Since freshman year, Madhu Ganesh (12) has been dedicated to her academic and extracurricular activities. Joining clubs like California Scholarship Federation and Arrowheads has helped her become President and Co-Editor of these organizations. Her leadership abilities have defined her as an organized and dedicated student at West High.
Along with these positions, she participates in Bollywood Dance that presents annual shows in Hollywood. Every weekend, Ganesh dedicates herself to rigorous practices and rehearsals in order to present a picture-perfect dance. Her dedication to dance presents a love for her ethnicity. Both dancing and tennis display Ganesh’s exuberant energy, both of which she has participated in since freshman year. The tennis team has been a second family for her, with each fall season occupied with hours of practices and games that can last late into the day. As senior year approached, Ganesh was appointed as a Tennis Co-Captain with Danica Hu (12). She was very excited to both lead and bond with the team.
With all of this on Ganesh’s mind, it is hard to imagine how she manages her time. With many activities that take up a lot of energy, she still is able to balance her schoolwork as well. Ganesh remarks, “I make sure I prioritize my activities and I write down everything I need to accomplish; even the small things, because we tend to forget a lot. Also, I never think of any of my activities as work. I make it a point to enjoy everything I do.” All the work and dedication she puts in is seen as things she thoroughly enjoys.
As Ganesh reflects on the past three years in high school, she remarks, “My years at West have been both long and short. On one hand, I can’t wait to graduate, become independent, and discover my future. However, looking back, it is hard to think those four years ago, I was a freshman, naive and unaware. But honestly, a little part of me wants to take my time during senior year. I want to experience everything, try something new, basically make memories that I can share long after high school.” Memories last a lifetime; and Ganesh makes it a point to enjoy everything now with the people around.