Created by creative CEO Candace Wu (12), Stylites is an organization that aids victims in human sex trafficking. Human beings are forced into sexual exploitation and forced labor, which portrays modern-day slavery. As sad as this sounds, human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world. Wu has created a Stylites website that sells fashionable clothes and jewelry to the public eye. Wu states that “this organization is created to expand and spread awareness among our peers for the potential to end this crime.” One hundred percent of the revenue will go towards the victims to help them live better lives. A mission like this hopes to empower, educate, and impact people who are willing to take a step against this industry.
Recently, Wu and Sami Davis (12) have teamed up to start a Stylites club at West. Merging with Amnesty International, Davis hopes “to find people who are just as passionate as the cause and to spread the word!” The club is a branch of the website, to let students know about the empowering mission that will hopefully be heard all through West High. The club will hold fundraisers, be active in school events, and spread the word to other Torrance schools. Everyone can make a difference and be involved in the revolution. Wu hopes for “the club to be successful and create continuous memories at West for many years.” Stylites is not just a one-year event; it is a lifetime mission that provides people with the knowledge to speak up and stand out. The Stylites mission is simple: heal the hurt. Things from the past cannot be changed, but new chapters can be started by students who take action. The motto is simple : I am Beautiful. I am Brave. I am Change. I am Stylites