From the week of March 28th to April 1st, students took part in the annual Spring Fling, a weeklong festivity where each day represented a theme of the school. These themes included Dress to Impress, Pajama Day, and Twins Day. There was also a lunchtime rally on Class Colors Day. In addition, on Friday, students were treated to an extended lunch period and had the opportunity to buy treats from the clubs at West High. These tasty treats included Root Beer Floats, Spam Musubi, and Arizona Iced Tea. Overall, Spring Fling was a great and relaxing way for students to finish school as they transition into the weeklong recess of Spring Break.
Although there were many fun aspects about Spring Fling in general, such as the dressing up for various days and the rally, Jim Lee (11) believed that the best part of Spring Fling was on Friday when the clubs handed out foods which are not sold in the school itself. Though he could not take part, Lee stated that day “still looked fun” and the food that was being sold “seemed to be good.”
However, though the festivities were well-received, there is always room for error. Despite this fact, Lee thought that there was no “need to really improve [Spring Fling]. There was music, food, [and] several activities going on.” Lee later exclaimed that “as long as there is a Spring Fling next year, then I’m happy.” Surely many students agree with Lee as this week not only boosts school sprit but also gives the clubs money to do activities for its members.
In conclusion, Spring Fling was a success and allowed many students to depart school for a week with positive memories of what Spring Fling brought to them. Also, after what Lee said, it appears that Spring Fling next year will be just as fun as the one that had occurred this school year.