Many athletes have been selling tickets to the West High School All-Sports Booster Club’s Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, October 30 from 7 to 11 AM in Cafe 5. For $5 you can get a delicious breakfast and support all of our school’s sports teams. Alexis Ivans (10) hopes everyone considers attending this event, “Because the pancake breakfast is awesome and the pancakes are amazing.”
With many students being part of athletics, tickets are widely available for purchase. Almost all student athletes are selling tickets but you can also purchase tickets at the door. A portion of all ticket sales will be distributed to each sports team to be used as needed. Swimmer and water polo player, Saumya Sharma (10) says “[Tickets] will help us pay off some of the debt we are in. We [also] just purchased new uniforms so it will go towards repaying the school for those.” Whether the money goes towards new soccer balls or new uniforms, each sport team benefits from the community’s support.
Although the event is almost three weeks away, there has not been much publicity or hype for the event. Soccer player Carly Drobot (10) comments, “I have only sold one ticket to my Chemistry teacher but she said she isn’t going.” Even if you do not like pan caked or if you are busy on October 30th you can still buy a ticket to support the Athletic Department. With budget cuts every team will take any amount of money they can get.
Make sure you don’t miss out on this amazing and delicious fundraiser on Saturday, October 30th in Cafe 5. To buy a ticket to the event ask any West High athlete who is selling tickets or show up at the door.