Nostalgic Nights for Girls’ Tennis

The seniors of West High’s Girls Tennis team smile after a spectacular victory against North High — with a 14-4 win against the Saxons, the players ended senior night on the highest note possible. The colorful balloons and handcrafted posters served as a reminder of their teammates’ faith and support for them as they continued to open a new chapter in their high school careers. Pictured from left to right: Aki Sugita (12), Alexssa Takeda (12), Jasmin Cuaresma (12), Khushi Sharma (12), Arushi Bagchi (12), Sarah Han (12), Samantha Takeda (12). Photo courtesy of Taeyi Ko (11).

  For any four-year athlete at West High, senior night is a long anticipated event — from the moment you begin your season as a freshman until you’re finally in the spotlight as your last year comes to a close, senior night is a celebration that holds a special place in the hearts of many high school athletes. This year Girls’ Tennis went all out for the event — with hand-calligraphed posters, senior gifts, and intricate gold-and-white balloon columns, the team had pulled out all the stops to make their senior night the best it could be. From catering to dozens of hungry attendees and players to hand-crafting decorations and floral bouquets, there was no shortage of tasks the juniors of the team (who organized the event) had to undertake. Their efforts weren’t in vain — co-captain of the Varsity Girls’ Tennis team Arushi Bagchi (12) described the experience as a memorable one: “They went above and beyond, it was way better than anything I could’ve expected. I was just so shocked and pleased with the work they put in and how it turned out. Honestly, they gave us the best senior night possible!” she exclaimed. 

   Girls’ Tennis’ Coach Jin recounted arranging the systematics of the event as the hardest factor. However, with contributions from  the team and additional help from ASB, the night turned out to be a major success. “This year, we had asked ASB [for help] and they made us balloon columns and extra balloons. Trying to coordinate all of that together was a little challenging, but we still got it done, so it turned out fine,” he explained. “I’m really thankful for all of the girls on the team who helped out with prepping. They definitely went the extra mile in terms of making senior night great — they made it so worthwhile for the seniors,” he added.

   Nothing could ease the nostalgia Coach Jin had felt during the night. “It’s definitely a bittersweet moment. I’m also proud of them as a coach — you see that group of girls who started together as freshmen and then finished what they started together. It’s really great to see the growth they’ve matured throughout the four years they’ve been playing tennis at West,” he stated wistfully. 

   Of course, the partying only made up half of the night — Girls’ Tennis emerged with a spectacular victory against North High, ending the night on a high note for the team. “I think all the girls really played well. They fought for every point, and in the end we came out with a 14-4 victory,” Coach Jin reported. Although winning the match was undoubtedly a highlight of the night, Coach Jin described feeling most pleased with the tenacity and effort the girls had put in: “I was really pleased with the level of intensity they brought throughout the game,” he expressed. 

   Senior night is an emotional event as well as a joyful one — as the night wore on, co-captain Khushi Sharma (12) was struck by how different it felt watching senior night in previous years compared to actually stepping into the spotlight. “When I was a freshman, I’d see the seniors and be like ‘oh my God, that must’ve taken so long!’ But then I was there, and it felt so quick,” she laughed. Although the moment was short, it wasn’t any less joyful thanks to the support of her teammates. “It was really sweet because everyone was there for me,” Sharma added. Fellow co-captain Bagchi agreed — although senior night celebrated the closing of her last season, it also reminded her of the memories she would treasure for years to come. “It’s been four years, so it’s kind of surreal to think that this journey is ending because for a while, you get to a point where you take a new season or year for granted,” she stated. 

   As the athletes continue to move forward, senior night will be a reminder of fond memories — and the adventures that led up to it.