Middle blocker Antoni Perry (11) is a starter for Girls Varsity volleyball team this season. She has been dedicated to the sport since her freshman year, when she joined the team “just for fun, not expecting to like it so much.” In addition to playing volleyball for West, she is also part of an outside club.
Many successful athletes at West have been playing their respective sports since they were very young, but this is only Perry’s third year. Throughout her past seasons, she has grown as a player and bonded with her teammates. Perry noted that, “a lot of us are juniors with only three senior [players], but this means they are all people I hang out with on a regular basis and it makes us play better because we trust the people we are playing with.”
Perry wants to make her first season on Varsity the best it can be and she knows there are always ways to improve. When asked about her goals she replied, “I really want to get better at playing middle, even though I don’t like it. As a team, we need to stop getting mad when we make a mistake and just get right back into it and [do] better.” Hopefully by her last game this year, Perry will see both of these hopes realized.
Being in both club and school sports can be time consuming but it has helped Perry grow without a doubt by “having different coaches, and hearing their different opinions.” With multiple guides to help her, this star player hopes her junior year will be her best yet.
Look out for Perry to be a great player on the team next year as she continues to develop as an athlete. Her love for volleyball is apparent as she says it’s “team oriented and really fun.” With this passion, Perry has an amazing chance of reaching her goals.
Antoni Perry Launches Into Varsity Volleyball
Grant Torre, Staff Writer
October 29, 2010
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