Preparing with Play Prod

The 2021 show by the West High Theater Department follows the Hufflepuff house during Harry Potter’s seven years at Hogwarts. To prepare for opening night, students gather around to make wands, practice lines, and practice in costumes. Photo courtesy of Isabella Distasio (11).
November 15, 2021
As show day approaches, West High’s Theater Department becomes busier and busier to prepare for their show. With Puffs premiering on November 18, 2021, students gather together to make sure the show runs as perfectly as possible.
Puffs, as described by Keira White (12), is “all seven years of the Harry Potter books told from the perspective of the Hufflepuff house.” In a satirical and comedic way, Puffs exposes plot holes and mistakes from the famous Harry Potter books and movies. White described her character Wayne as the “Harry Potter equivalent of the Hufflepuff house,” but someone who is “everything that Harry Potter isn’t.” Wayne isn’t very talented or good at making friends, but his journey is followed throughout the show as he experiences Harry’s Hogwarts years.
No matter how magical a production may be, however, nothing appears out of thin air. Samantha Johnson (9) explained that as show time gets closer, Play Prod members begin doubling down on rehearsals. In fact, during “tech week,” (the week before the show,) students attend “rehearsal everyday, and add in things like lights, sound cues, and costumes.” Although it requires long and laborious hours — sometimes nine hour long days –Johnson “wouldn’t change any part of the process” because “it’s always an exciting experience.”
Preparation wasn’t without its hardships, however. White expressed that only the seniors had experienced “an actual full year of tech.” She had trouble believing that as a senior, she would set expectations, though still feeling like a sophomore. Still, she always tried to “set the tone for what was expected” and “tried [her] hardest in everything that [she] did.”
According to White, COVID restrictions posed another obstacle. Play Prod is not able to perform all of the scenes in the show because they couldn’t physically touch each other. She also admitted that acting with masks was challenging since “a lot of acting is facial expressions.” However, she concluded optimistically, emphasizing that the new play “will be a good change from what [they] had to do during COVID.” White witnessed a positive progression of events as restrictions became looser. Every cast member tried “to make sure that [they’re] putting on the best show, and what people have come to expect West High Drama to look like.”
As months of preparation finally come together, Puffs opens soon at the Performing Arts Center. The West High Theater Department welcomes all students to come and join a magical experience.
Puffs will be performed in the West High Performing Arts Center on Thursday, November 18 (7 p.m.), Friday, November 19 (7 p.m.), and Saturday, November 20 (5 p.m.). Buy tickets early at ASB ($5-7) or at the door ($10).