When Clowns Attack

Cherokee Hernandez, Feature Editor

Welcome to When the Clowns Attack, Untold Injustices style. We all know that the beloved holiday, Halloween is coming up, so why not start celebrating now?
Well I don’t mind the over priced haunted themed amusement parks and the hay rides, like the majority of us do. I DO mind if you decide to do the scary killer clown pranks all month long and then some.
Many people are in fear of these unknown creepy clowns. Some of whom have been identified as young as 14 years old, “…teens at the center of this investigation were arrested and taken into custody. They each face a charge of second-degree felony written threats to kill or do bodily harm,” it just makes me wonder (Chip Osowski, WFLA.com)
These clowns have made infinite amounts of threats to schools over social media, Instagram being their main form of communication with the public. The only confirmed account by other media publications is @wearecomingtocali, where you can see in the bio of the page a list of South Bay cities in Southern California where they are supposedly going to take over. One would assume that would mean attempt to scare the city, but the true meaning behind it is still unknown. Also on their page you can see pictures of either the clowns or the places they have been. Having been on the page myself, I immediately noticed that one of the photos used to intimidate viewer was from the horror movie, It. The fictional character, Pennywise the clown, was pictured. The character can be found in the novel It by Stephen King. All the photos have received a flurry of attention, comments being in the thousands. Most of the comments consist of a teen challenging the clowns to come to their high school or middle school to prove their existence.
Halloween is a fun time for kids of all ages bv including adults to dress up and be themselves. It’s the one holiday where you can be weird with no judgement, but are things getting out of hand with the creepy clowns?
We all should known our basic fundamental freedom rights…it’s in the Bill of Rights. The government by law has to protect us from anything “harmful” or “dangerous,” I say this with quotes because everyones definition of those words are different.The clowns in the public’s eye are considered to be “dangerous” due to their appearance, and that could potentially ruin everyone’s Halloween.
In the meantime, know that the creepy clowns are out there and take special precaution this year when you go out for Halloween. Stay away from dark abandoned places even though they look cool and don’t stray by yourself. It would also be a good idea to tune in to the news about these clowns to see how bad the situation is in your area. Have a safe and fun Halloween everyone, and tune soon for my next edition of Untold Injustices.