Multicultural Day Preparations

Art/Photo by Jasmin Cuaresma

Filipino Culture Club practices Tinikling, a traditional dance, to prepare for a highly anticipated performance at Multicultural Day. Every year, cultural clubs present traditional dances, clothing, and songs to showcase the diverse community that makes up West High. These performances require an abundance of preparation time, dedication, and effort, all to present a perfected show for students and staff.

Bella Levinson, Visuals Editor

   Every day, we are surrounded by thousands of different cultures that contain traditions and services that have been passed down from generation to generation. At West High, students with different ethnic backgrounds and ancestry connected to different countries are all around campus. With pride and spirit towards their certain cultures, students have created clubs where other students can join during lunch to learn and celebrate all different backgrounds.

   In addition to representing backgrounds through clubs like Korean Culture Club, Filipino Club, Black Culture Club, Japanese Club, and so much more, Multicultural Day is time well spent for the entire campus to learn more about what the world has to offer. 

   By teaching different aspects of Korean culture, Co-President Bethany Shim (12) shared that her club is all about engaging her members and hoped to make the learning experience fun. In honor of Multicultural Day, The Korean Culture is planning to perform on stage this year, with its members and board members performing various K-pop songs and possibly recruiting those who want to participate. Shim shares, “Our KCC members are really creative… a few of the board members and I will be writing a script for our club when we introduce them on the day of.”  For their multicultural act, the KCC dance will be taught by their publicists and they will be leading the rehearsals. Multicultural Day is an opportunity for club members to showcase performances and optional choreographers that spend the time creating dance sequences for this day. President of the Black Culture Club, Paris Rudison (11) expressed her excitement towards Multicultural Day and the process of creating a performance: “We have been working to put the routine together for the club to learn.” Rudison explained that not everything is complete since Multicultural Day is months away, however, it is never too early to start preparations.