The School Newspaper of West High School

New Year, New You

January 12, 2023

Art/Photo by Sullivan Kolakowski

Set a few goals and start 2023 off strong. You get this opportunity once a year – make it count!

   As the New Year begins, hugs may be exchanged, or not, but one thing is certain: New Year’s resolutions come into play. Whether it be relationships or extracurriculars, everybody has room for positive reinforcement. 

   Meredith Bailing (11) shared her new outlook for this year: “I’m keeping it simple this time, I just want to be happy throughout the year!” Whether it be small changes such as waking up five minutes earlier or going on that morning run, there are endless possibilities for how you can drastically improve your life over the course of a single year. 

   This year, Enzo Paiola (11), a member of the West High Wrestling team, wants to “make new friends, live life happily, and just live life wherever it takes [him].” He also strives to “continue to be myself and meet new people over the course of this year.” Whether you faced life-altering experiences or small changes last year, 2023 is a great opportunity to better yourself in whichever way you choose. 

   But are New Year’s resolutions really something important?  Does the eon-old process of the Earth orbiting the Sun, the turning from day to night, truly have a deeper meaning? “I think the New Year is an opportunity to make life what you want it to be,” expressed Aniah Davidson (11). In all reality, resolutions are whatever you make them out to be. Even with that, your goals may not be valued by others as much as it is to you, and that’s okay. Everyone has their own unique purpose in mind. 

   Sadly, many are unsuccessful at going through with their resolutions. To push through the year, Paiola plans to “[have] a positive mindset and [continue] to reinforce my goals by surrounding myself with like-minded people.” We often question the maturity and sincerity of our resolutions and how achievable they truly are. All that can be said is that time doesn’t stop for anybody – so why not suffer the temporary pain of discipline instead of suffering a lifetime of regret?

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