Heat Waves at West

Art/Photo by Sonia Hassan

Because of the intense heat wave, teachers were using different ways to keep their classroom cool and prevent the students from getting a heat stroke. Mrs. Dugard, used sheets for her window to prevent the sun from coming into her classroom.

Anthony Parker and Hridhya Sukumaran

   Throughout the beginning of September, California experienced major heat waves, facing the worst heat wave in years, with temperatures as high as 110°F.    

   California is covered with tall mountains and according to the CNN News, “The hot air gets compressed as it moves through the mountains, causing temperatures to rise.” Put simply, California’s mountainous geography gives off more heat than other states, causing the recent spike in temperature and affecting many residents of California, including the students of West High.   

   Several students found unique ways to cool themselves down from the weather. Anika Agarwal (12) stayed cool “by drinking a lot of water.” She also recommended that students wear caps and outfits that are more comfortable against the heat waves.

   The heat was a burden to all, but more specifically to people who like to do outdoor activities. Local basketball player Ryan Villanueva (11) had trouble participating in sports during the recent heat spike. He stated that he lost stamina faster and had to take “frequent breaks.” Villanueva recommended that athletes could use his strategy for cooling off by “not overworking themselves and drinking a ton of water.” 

Teachers also had problems with the weather. West High School English teacher Mr. Cheung discussed how he had trouble “thinking or focusing for long periods of time” during the hot days. Mr. Cheung listed many ways he cooled off: students could “bring portable fans, go to the bathroom, and dress cooler.” He shared a unique way he stayed hydrated by “bringing a water bottle with frozen ice,” and drinking it throughout the day as the ice melts.

   The heating of California left many wishing for some cold weather, or at least air conditioning, but it also gave people new ideas to stay cool. Students and teachers were determined to find new ways to battle the heat, as well as to help others not succumb to it.    

   The heat wave also prompted discussion about global warming, as many attributed the heat to the increasing CO2 emissions and the rising global temperatures. Coach Ronne, of West High’s Speech and Debate and Academic Decathlon, explained that “the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere are at 4,000,000 year highs at 421 PPM; that is way above pre-industrial 280 PPM.” He also explained that “higher carbon dioxide levels allow the global climate to warm.”