Homecoming 2021: A Night In Paris
On October 9, 2021, students gathered at West High School to enjoy the Homecoming dance, with the theme: A Night in Paris. Risa Fujimoto (12), who danced the night away, noted how “fun it was to watch people getting hyped up with the music.” Photo courtesy of Sophie Morales (10).
October 19, 2021
Fog filled the Building 5 Quad as students gathered, dancing and jumping to the beats that the DJ played up on the balcony. Glittering lights shined all around campus, and banners designed with images of the Eiffel Tower hung above. This is what a Night in Paris looked like for the 2021 Homecoming dance.
After a long year of being stuck at home, quarantining and staying safe from COVID-19, being able to go back to school and enjoy the dance was memorable for many. And especially for the Class of 2022, this would be their last Homecoming dance of the school year.
Risa Fujimoto (12), felt a mixture of emotion as she realized how important going to the Homecoming dance would be for her: “It was both sad and exciting how our last things are being completed, and we are getting closer to graduation.” Although Fujimoto was reminiscent of her last dance, she explained her excitement in being able to “dress up nicely, take pictures, and see all my friends dress up prettily.”
In contrast to Fujimoto’s Senior experience, Freshmen Cameron Merendo (9) explained how she felt at her first Homecoming dance: “It was very memorable since it was my first homecoming, and I didn’t think we would be able to have one this year. I was just so excited to be able to experience it with all my friends.”
Not only did Merendo attend the dance, but as a member of ASB class council, she also played a significant role in helping set up the event. She noted how intricate the process of preparing was, but explained how the upperclassmen were able to guide and lead her to the right direction. “We were put into groups based on grades, and leaders from ASB gave us jobs and told us ideas of what they were imagining the dance to look like.”
To set up the posters, lights, and decor, Merendo and the rest of the ASB members had to sacrifice some time to make sure the dance was enjoyable for everyone. “I stayed after school on Friday, the day before the dance, to set up. The morning of Homecoming, a group of students came to turn on the lights and do last minute touch ups.” Though there was a lot of hard work and preparation involved, Merendo noted how excited and accomplished she felt after being able to witness students enjoying the dance.
Though this may be a bittersweet time for the Seniors, as they say goodbye to their last Homecoming, it’s also a time of appreciation as students are finally able to experience an event that they could not have last year because of the pandemic.