Life, Death, and Choice
January 11, 2017
Abortion has been a controversial subject and act since its starting point in the 1800s. However, West High staff and students state their opinions on the matter, whether they are for it, against it, or somewhere in the middle.
French Teacher, Ms. Dulaney, brought up her stance and how she is Pro-Life. When asked why she felt the way she did about abortion, she said, “To me there’s really no difference between killing the child that’s outside the womb and killing one that’s inside the womb.” However, due to extremities of the situations that can cause the “wanting” of an abortion, Dulaney added a different point: “In case of rape, I do think a woman should have some choice. But those are gray areas, and I don’t know how to fix that problem.” Bashir Khan (10) also seemed to be caught in the middle of the spectrum. He doesn’t agree with abortion in most cases: “If a woman gets pregnant, and then changes her mind, that’s on her. That’s just not being responsible. You’re killing a baby because you’ve changed your mind. I don’t stand by that.” Then again, when asked to consider the circumstances, he said, “If a woman was raped, she should have the choice of having an abortion.” Although rape is a common situation when considering abortion, there’s also the possibility of bringing a person into the world where they will not be taken care of. Anoushka Gupta (9) addressed a scenario where unstable conditions are evident: “Say the woman is a drug addict. Instead of having a baby that is deformed or has a mental |
illness, she decides to abort it for the sake of her baby.” Poverty, rape, and disability are common reasons as to why women want to have abortions; the morality of doing the procedure stands between taking a life or letting it suffer.
Gupta ended her statement in an indecisive manner. She said, “I don’t think [abortion] is okay, but I feel like there are certain circumstances where dying is better than living a terrible life.” From a complete pro-choice perspective, Krystal Chong (11) spoke about why she believes that abortions are okay to have. She said, “I think that women should have their own choice because it’s their body and they get to decide what happens to it – in any situation. When asked about the argument that “abortions take innocent lives”, Chong didn’t change her stance: “I never agreed with that in the first place. There are always situations with “innocent lives” are killed. But the thing that validates abortion is these women who go through abortion have no ill intentions.” When asked what she meant by ill intentions, Chong said, “It’s not murder, nor is it genocide, or discrimination. It’s really just taking care of yourself or looking out for yourself. When you’re experiencing negativity you know better to cut out what you can handle and can’t.” Many believe that abortion is morally wrong due to religious upbringing or just individual principles. Others think that it is completely up to the woman to make her decision since it is her body that is being affected. The rest lie in between, not being able to balance their beams on the situation. All in all, though, the correct answer lies in the eye of the beholder. |