Nathalie Ingevaldsson: A Bright Soul

Photo Creds: Minami
April 14, 2016
With our heads hung low and hearts opened wide, West High Warriors gathered last Wednesday to honor the death of one our own. Together friends and family gathered around the flagpole for a candlelight vigil in memory of Nathalie Ingevaldsson(11).
The memorial held more than just flowers, candles, and memories, it held a Warrior spirit. “It was really touching, especially how many people showed up. It showed how many hearts Nathalie touched,” Hannah Chong (11).
Close friends of Ingevaldsson (11) set up a post on social media to wear green on Wednesday to honor her with her favorite color. Throughout campus green signs are posted to honor Ingevaldsson, where students and staff are able to write their tributes for the departed. Warriors also gathered around the flagpole wearing green in honor of Ingevaldsson at the candlelight vigil. On top of that a Go Fund Me page has been made for Ingevaldsson with over 377 donations totaling over $22,000 in funds.
“Green was something she liked to do. She loved the color, even it was a dance costume it had to be green. She just loved it. Everyone in the dance department did it because of how much she loved it,” said Brittany Sanchez (11). Green was symbolic for our Warriors, Sanchez (11) later added, “We all have to stick together and get through this as as a school. It is a really great support system that we have for the students and the family.”
With the passing of one of our Warriors, the school showed how we come together as a family to support one another in this sad time. Ingevaldsson will always be remembered as a mighty Warrior for her excellence in dance and the entertainment department as well as her touching personality. For those who didn’t get to meet the bright soul we have come to know as Ingevaldsson she was and forever will be a true Warrior.
“We come together to celebrate victories, we come together to celebrate life, we come together to support each other even when there are no words to say,” said Ms. Lee (English Teacher).
For a link to Nathalie’s Go Fund Me page go to