Back to Saturday Night
Art/Photo by Sue Eriksen
October 21, 2015
Homecoming was a blast from the past, featuring Back to the Future themed decorations, a Delorean, and a live band (The 131ers) performing in the Pavilion.
A Delorean, the car featured as a time machine in Back to the Future, was parked outside, surrounded by a crowd of people waiting for their turn for pictures. “The Delorean was such a great idea,” said Alanna Bledman (12), “it really tied into the theme of the dance.”
In the gym, modern pop music as well as some older jams were played by the DJ while clips from Back to the Future were being projected in the mezzanine.
The Pavilion was lit up with bright stage lights and a live band performing. The 131ers were performing some covers of old tunes while students were dancing around on the floor. “The live music was a nice addition to the dance,” said Alyssa Sack (12), “because they played different, more quiet music which made for a better place to talk and hang out.”
Kaleb Davis, 131ers band member and West High class of 2015 graduate, said that he “really enjoyed playing at the dance because the crowd was so welcoming and full of energy.” Kaleb and the band were very thankful they got the opportunity to play at the school.
As the night was coming to a close, the days of anticipation we’re coming to a conclusion and the night had reached the moment that homecoming king would be announced. Ms. Eriksen took the stage and began to talk about the nominees and introduced homecoming queen, Emily Atkinson (12).
Once the crowd became quiet enough to hear what was being said over the microphone, Ms. Eriksen finally announced that Yousef Baddour (12) was the 2015 homecoming king.”That night was definitely and night to remember,” said Baddour. “I am thankful for everyone who voted for me because I had a great time and I hope that they all had a great time as well.”
After the big announcement, Baddour joined Atkinson on the floor for the king and queen dance. The slow song, “Thinking Out Loud” by Ed Sheeran was followed by a few more up beat songs and a shower of balloons, bringing the night to an end.
“Out of the four homecomings I’ve been to, this year’s was definitely the best,” said Sack, “I’m glad I could end my last homecoming with such a blast.”