Earth Day: Digging Deep Beneath the Roots

April 29, 2015
Wednesday, April 22nd, was Earth Day not only here at West High, but also around the world, and it has definitely left an impact on us for yet another year.
Every year, since 1970, April 22nd was known to be Earth Day. This date came to life during the height of the hippie era in order to promote a healthy interaction between humans and the planet we call home. It’s founder, Gaylord Nelson, said that the day was meant to promote the passing of the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species acts at the time. He explained that the event was a gamble, but the outcome was a pleasant surprise. Due to the theme of the era, people simply continued the tradition of parades, marches, and protests on a yearly basis.
Later in 1990, Earth Day became a global celebration that pushed recycling movements into full-swing alongside additional conservation acts. Large groups take Earth Day as a brief break from the monotonous rut they live in in an effort to spread their message. They also take it as an opportunity to make the world a better place for humans, animals, and plants. Others simply see it as a reminder to consistently have an environmentally-friendly attitude.
The vast majority of one class surveyed here at West High had no idea about the origins of Earth Day. An even more surprising result came from a survey of five classes, where only 15 students correctly answered when Earth Day was. Thankfully, some people do have a bit of background knowledge.
“I’m already recycling and everything for sustainable society, so Earth Day is just another day to me,” said Roland Delarosa (11). “It is nice to see that people do care about the environment though.”
Some students celebrated Earth Day with chalk drawings and notes around building three; teachers gave extra emphasis to the fact that students must clean up after themselves. Some were much more animated than others. For example, Mr. Welch used this time of year as the perfect opportunity for students to present ideas at his Sustainable Solutions Fair on Friday, April 24th. Several students either attended or volunteered at the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium for the Earth Day Fair and Coastal Bird Fest. Those who weren’t able to attend spent personal time preserving the Earth.
“I was gardening with my little sister on Wednesday, but I wish I had found time to go to the beach and take a moment to appreciate the nature around me,” said Mo Awadallah (11).
Although the number of students who barely knew much about Earth Day were shocking, there were still plenty of ways to celebrate for everybody. Small celebrations included beach cleanups and recycling projects or even gardening like Awadallah and his sister. Once this became evident, students like Kaitlin Fregulin (11) stepped up to say that they desired to learn and do more for the planet.
Fregulin said, “I look forward to taking the upcoming Earth Days more seriously and expanding our appreciation for Earth to days beyond April 22nd.”
This is the exact direction we must start following to save what is left of our planet and allowing future years to be even more spectacular than those thus far. Earth Day may be a simple day, but it leaves an enormous impact to more than just green thumb nature lovers.