Entertainment Unit’s Tree Lot Sale

Noah Choi, Staff Writer

   There are many festivities that come with celebrating the holidays: melodious caroling, mistletoe everywhere, candy canes and hot chocolate. However, there is one tradition that truly defines the Christmas spirit: the Christmas tree. Fortunately for the Torrance community, the West High Entertainment Unit is hosting their annual tree lot. The Entertainment Unit composes of marching band, color guard, and drill team. According to Wallace Liew (10), “WHEU has been selling Christmas trees ever since December 4th and will continue till December 20th”.

   The Tree Lot event is hosted by WHEUPA or West High Entertainment Unit Parent Association, and is one of their main three fundraising events. The event will be open until December 20th, the last day of school before winter break, or until all trees are sold. Austin Kim (10) jokingly said, “All the money raised from this fundraiser will probably go towards another flat screen T.V. for Mr. Banim.” He adds, on a more serious note, “The fundraisers helps pay for all the expenses WHEU has such as instruments, band uniforms, equipment, etc.” The Entertainment Unit is asking each family to participate in a three hour shift because every WHEU student benefits from the fundraising event as well. Chase Yun (10) stated, “It’s basically mandatory for everyone from WHEU to volunteer at least one shift. We help out by watering the trees and replacing them if they get bought.”

   Hopefully the Tree Lot sales will go as successfully as last year with all trees sold so that West’s Entertainment Unit can continue to travel around the world and compete. And if your family is in need of a natural Christmas tree, WHEU’s tree lot is the place to get it.