Coming Together: Senior Sunrise


Courtesy of Clara Chao

Briana Strader, Staff Writer

  During the first few weeks of school, Senior Sunrise decorated conversation and prevailed across social media. In the midst of rigorous course loads, college applications, and adjusting to the structure that the school year demands of seniors, a break is always happily welcomed.

   Those organizing the event enjoyed taking on the task of bringing the senior class together.

   Head of Class Council Lydia Nygren (12) commented that the event was, “really fun to organize because it is so chill. Senior Sunrise is all about taking time out of our mornings to be with other seniors, enjoying food, and having time to mentally relax before the craziness of our senior year.” 

   Nygren was also appreciative of those who came, recognizing that exciting students about events at West proves to be a challenge. For some students, several logistical issues prevented them from attending. Problems such as timing, lack of advertisement, and a general absence of enthusiasm kept some seniors tucked tightly into bed that morning.

   Emily Hackett (12), who chose to stay home, expressed her concern: “Especially because senior sunrise took place on a late start Tuesday, it didn’t make sense for me to attend because instead of sleeping in an hour, I would have had to get up an hour earlier than usual.” Several students stood behind the same thought process, recognizing that the extra sleep might prove to be more beneficial than a morning of chatting and fun.

      Nevertheless, the event was a success for those of us who decided to attend. Early Tuesday morning, the senior class gathered under the moon-lit sky in the tradition of a typical “senior sunrise.” Half-asleep coffee drinkers and hyper early-birds alike, students of all kinds attended the event, each ready to start the day with the promise of free food and the beautiful light of dawn. Even teachers were present, like Mrs. Elwood, who attended after a dare from a student in her AP Literature classroom.

   As the sun rose, however, it became increasingly apparent that the break of dawn would prove to be significantly less bright and boysterous than the senior class had anticipated. Instead of a piercing glow, the light took to the clouds, polishing the bits of sky that shone through. Within minutes, the stadium brightened — a reminder of what senior sunrise was all about. The lightened sky brought the senior class a sense of youth and serenity, our faces aglow and our eyes eager for the day to come — and so many more to follow.

   Attendee Kaitlin Martin (12) recognized the significance of the event, and what it means to seniors: “All in all I enjoyed the sunrise, but I really just enjoyed hanging out with my friends.”

   As these next few pieces slowly fall into place during the next few months, let us all remember the importance of sticking together — we are not in this alone. Coming together as a class, as one body going out into the world, we have the power to change what comes of these next few crucial steps, helping each other along the way.