A Glimpse Into Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Courtesy of Aleeza Adnan

Aleeza Adnan, News Editor

 Contrary to what the name might suggest, you do not have to be Christian or an athlete to join Fellowship of Christian Athletes FCA aka. The club is attractive for more than just the dozens of pizza boxes they bring to the meetings every Thursday in room 5203. Members join to make friends, build connections with other people while also building one with their faith.

  Srisaibhaavana Anna (9) regularly attends the weekly meetings and commented, “This club is a great place for everyone whether they consider themselves close to their religion or not. The talks are very thought-provoking and it is really easy to befriend others.”

  At FCA meetings, everyone typically grabs a slice of pizza and a board member leads a prayer before commencing the meeting. A lecture is conducted by a youth group pastor or any pious guest speaker. On May 2nd, National Prayer Day, a youth ministry leader came to deliver a speech.

  The speaker, Nick Turner, came in the hope of assisting high school students in building a relationship with God. He said, “My goal is to help these students feel empowered and enabled enough to realize that they can achieve salvation. Even if they are not a youth pastor or minister, they are still just as blessed.”

  The main focus of the club revolves around these guest speakers and the messages they deliver, but they did have one event called the Outreach. It was a day devoted to the gospel and apologetics and held on campus in the pavilion. They answered questions pertaining to religion and had members fill out a survey in a way to aid them in reevaluating the strength of their faith.

  Board member, Savannah Starr (11), said, “FCA has been a great place for me since the start of freshman year. I have seen people give really inspiring speeches and it has taught me a lot about others as well as about God.”

  The club generally closes with a final prayer. FCA hopes to expand more in the upcoming school year and to gain additional members. Their goal is to help high school students de-stress and ease their worries and fears as they build their spiritual health.