Are You Ready to Save the Planet?



Rachel Kim, Editor-in-Chief

  April 22 marks the 47th anniversary of the modern environmental movement. The main goal of Earth Week is to educate others on how to be eco-friendly and how to carry on certain tasks in order to protect the planet that we live in. West High’s Environmental Club would like everyone to help them celebrate this week by engaging in the following goals for the next five days starting Monday.

   Make these changes a part of your daily habits. If each one of us makes at least one change, the whole planet will feel the impact, no matter how small or big the change may be. Happy Earth Week.


Lights Out Monday

  • Conserve electricity
  • Rely on natural instead of artificial lighting (leave doors open, open blinds, or even hold class outside if possible)

Treeless Tuesday

  • Reduce paper wastage
  • Encourage (teachers especially) to print double-sided, use scratch paper, or use reusable classroom copies instead of personal handouts

Waterless Wednesday

  • Conserve water
  • Take shorter showers
  • Water lawns at night/evening

Trashless Thursday

  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  • Before buying products ask yourself, “Do I really need this?”
  • Re-purpose your “trash” to make or do something useful
  • Use reusable water bottles, mugs, lunch boxes, etc.
  • Compost your food waste

Green Pride Friday

  • Wear green to receive free candy from Environmental Club
  • Spread the word and make others more environmentally conscious
  • Volunteer on Earth Day tomorrow to make our planet a cleaner, healthier, and enjoyable place to live