Stylites Addressing The Big Issue Of Human Trafficking

March 16, 2016
Stylites is an on-campus movement that fights the ongoing menace, human trafficking.
Human trafficking is a violation of human rights. It is the act of forcing or threatening people into sexual exploitation and forced labor. This is a big issue that affects people across the United States, and the students in Stylites actively promote the fight against it.
The club helps in whatever ways it can, by helping past victims, and even donating money to organizations. Stylites also helps by educating the community about the unfortunate results of this crime and helps people take action against it. Co-President, Erin Keel (12), said, “ People who go to Stylites have more knowledge of human trafficking and find ways to prevent it, since it’s a big issue in today’s world.”
Stylites also has an activity where club members take second hand clothes and revamp them with tie dye or studs. They put the clothes on their website and put them on sale. Ashley Hong (12) said the best thing about this project that they have underway is that, “all the proceedings and money we get is donated to organizations that lead the way to stop human trafficking.” This includes organizations like Not For Sale that are active around the world, making an effort to put an end to human trafficking. Stylites also sells bracelets at football games, as also profits go to organizations as well.
So far this year, the club has been doing a good job. Mr. Rugnetta, club faculty advisor, said, “Stylites has made a huge impact this year.” He also said, “The funds go to people who have escaped trafficking and it helps them get back on their feet, get skills, be able to be a part of society, and become tactful members of the community.”
Stylites is also now accepting applications for next year’s board members. So if you are interested, or would like to make a difference by joining the revolt against human trafficking, stop by Mr. Rugnetta’s room, 3302, every Tuesday.