The West High Dance Department presented its May show, “Emot-I-Dance” from Tuesday, May 3rd to Thursday, May 5th at the Armstrong Theater. There were twenty-three dances from all the levels of classes and one dance from Choreo Club, which meets Thursdays at lunch.
During the hour and a half show, students danced to songs such as “Cosmic Love,” “Cat Daddy,” “We Are Family,” and “You Make My Dreams Come True.” The sixteen Advanced Dance members performed nine dances in addition to two solos, performed by Julie Kim (12) and Kylie McElhaney (12), one duet and one trio. Intermediate dance choreographed five dances, while there were four dances from beginning dance.
Not all choreographers are current students at West. Advanced dance had dances created by alumni Adam Burt, assistant coach Monique Soghomonian, and guest choreographers Kenny Kuo and Marcus Alexander.
At the end of the first performance, Mrs. Vorhis announced this year’s “Dance Pride” recipients, who are voted on by dance students and teachers at West. Jenna Hoover (11) won for Advanced, Sophie Nguyen (11) won for Intermediate, and Grant Torre (10) won for Beginning.
Throughout the three shows, some dances were apparent standouts. Choreo Club’s unique choreography and style stood out to many and was well received. Jimmy Takashima (12) led the group with his commanding stage presence and ability. Other standouts included “Tough,” a hip-hop number by alumni Adam Burt, and the finale “Jubilation” energized the crowd.
After the final performance, Mrs. Vorhis honored the Dance Department seniors as it was their “Senior Night.” In addition, Tatiana Filipic (12), Julie Kim (12), Alexis Lasso De La Vega (12), and Kylie McElhaney (12) were announced to be the 2010-2011 Dance Pursuit of Excellence Award Winners.