All students cheer as the announcement is made; one of the events all high school students have been waiting for: the first three day weekend of October. We all know most students appreciate, if not worship, such rarities but the question is not what is the student body’s opinion is. But rather, what does the average student do during student-free days? Sadly the indecisive weather threatens Rachel Barker’s (11) “plans to go with friends, hanging out on the beach,” but nonetheless Barker is optimistic that the weather this weekend will be perfect for outings; she is counting on the traditional California weather.
Marissa Guterry (11) disagrees claiming, “if it’s still raining and gloomy, I am staying inside and watching movies all day.” Both students are looking forward to a very relaxing, pleasant weekend; however, Lam Bui (12) states he “plan[s] on finishing several college applications, along with catching up with sleep.” All students share in common the fact that they lack sleep, perhaps due to the multiple hours spent on rigorous homework assignments, extracurricular activities, sports, and more. Bui continues as he explains his hectic schedule: “who knows, maybe I’ll have to attend Academic Decathlon practice on Monday, too.”
“If I could change one thing about my three day weekend it would be this [terrible] weather,” Barker commented, reflecting most students views on this gloomy weather. However, Guttery feels that such weather is, “perfect for sleeping in.” Perhaps coming to the conclusion that our hardworking students are looking forward to rest; overall, students everywhere will be spending their time in bed enjoying the extra hours of sleep provided to them.